Friday, January 31, 2014

New Year, New You, January 2014

By Sarah Hamaker

What are your parenting goals for 2014? Do you want to stop yelling at your children all the time? Do you want to stop parenting on the fly and start parenting with purpose? Do you want to have a calmer home with happier children?

All those things are possible, but, like with most New Year’s Resolutions, it will take hard work on your part. The good news is that once you master the basics, you will have built a solid foundation from which to parent—and things will get easier. That’s not to say your children won’t have bad days or that you won’t blow your top when the kids break your favorite glass cat figurine. It does mean you will pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again.

How do you become the parent you have always wanted to be? You start by realizing that the child produces the child, not the parent. Yes, you have a role, an important one, in raising your child. But ultimately, no one is responsible for your child except for your child.

How does this help you become a better parent? By taking away the guilt and the blame and the stress of trying to be the perfect parent. You will fail, sometimes spectacularly, as a parent, but that doesn’t mean your child will turn out badly. You will succeed, sometimes wonderfully, as a parent, but that doesn’t mean your child will be a success in life.

Content Sarah Hamaker
Photo of Sarah, Copyright Donna Hamaker
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